Modern Warrior Practice
How to train as a Modern Warrior Compared to Past Ancient Warrior:
It's not enough to make philosophies about psychology and positive thinking. It's not enough to theorize about how humans can improve their potential. If we truly want to evolve in an improved vivid lifestyle and harmoniously participate as an active member of our communities we need training. We need practices.
I use the term "Modern Warrior" to encompass the kinds of practices a person would need in order to transcend from a conventional life to a realized existence as an evolved human being on individual, relationship and community levels. Why the term "Modern Warrior". I consider many of the practices we need are related to those practices ancient warriors needed in centuries before. However, since most of us are living in societies of relative peace, we may want to eliminate or change those training methods of the past and put them into a more relevant context of today's ways of living.What we need these days is to make a practice which enables us to develop different intelligence forms beyond that of intellectual intelligence.
I have identified 6 such forms which, purely by accident, are aligned with the energy centers or chakras that are based around yogic teachings.
The six intelligence forms I identified are:
Body Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Connection Intelligence
Collective Intelligence
Cultural Intelligence
Spiritual Intelligence
Body Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Connection and Collective Intelligence can be trained physically.
Cultural intelligence and Spiritual intelligence can be trained by setting the environment to include diverse cultures and setting the frame of mind to be not purely based on phsyical and material goals and integrating the practice into daily life.
For example: practice in a multi-cultural environement and do not make ambition the driving factor of the practice. Remove the ego by making the practice environment non-competitive.
I've taken each intelligence form and compared what kind of practice was made by the ancient warrior compared to the kind of practice we'd need today.
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